Winter brings not only cold weather but also higher utility bills for many Westchester residents. At G.C. Reliable Service, we are dedicated to providing you with the best heating services to keep your home warm and cozy this winter without breaking the bank. Keep reading to discover four helpful tips to keep your winter heating bill at bay and contact our team today to schedule your HVAC system’s winter tune-up!
A programmable thermostat will allow you to set the temperature lower when you’re not home and higher when you are home. But are you someone who forgets to change the thermostat when they leave the home? No worries! Many SMART thermostats are available that sync with your devices and can automatically enter an eco-mode when you leave or let you adjust the temperature while you are out and about!
Let in the Sun
During the day, open the curtains or blinds to let in the sun. The sun will help heat your home naturally.
Protect Against Drafts
Approximately 20-40% of heat may be lost through drafts, according to the U.S. Department of Energy. If the draft is coming from a door, you can install a door sweep. If the draft is coming from a window, you can install weatherstripping or caulking.
Turn on Your Ceiling Fan
Even though you may commonly turn to your ceiling fan for relief in the summer, they can also provide you with proper air circulation in the winter! Turn your fan to run clockwise to push the warm air that has risen to the ceiling, back to the main part of the room.
Schedule Your Winter Tune-Up
An inefficient furnace can cost you hundreds if not thousands of dollars in energy consumption. Get a winter tune-up from G.C. Reliable Service today to keep your HVAC system running efficiently to save you money while keeping your home warm all winter long!