A ductless mini-split system normally doesn’t make any noises much louder than a whisper while functioning. A loud system is probably not functioning correctly and will likely use extra energy without heating or cooling your
Furnaces shouldn’t produce odors at all, let alone bad odors. Some smells are relatively benign, such as the scent of burning dust when you first turn the furnace on each fall, but others indicate the
It’s an unfortunate fact that no heat pumps will last forever. Deciding between a heat pump repair and replacement can be difficult sometimes, but getting the decision right can save you a considerable amount of
Homeowners in Scarsdale, NY would do well to have their furnaces serviced at least once a year. Let’s review some of the benefits of investing in regular fall furnace tune-ups in your home. Energy-Efficient Performance
In 2022, heat pumps surpassed gas furnaces in sales volume. Homeowners in White Plains are increasingly making the switch to heat pumps for energy savings. Some people worry about the noises that a heat pump
Offering an appealing alternative to central-air HVAC systems, ductless mini-splits keep your indoor environment comfortable without using ductwork in White Plains, NY. The absence of ducts makes these innovative heat pumps adaptable to virtually any